My four years of scouting have been very exciting, fun, fruitful and fulfilling. I participated in international, national and unit programmes organized by the Scout headquarters, Scout units, and other Cub Scout Units. Such activities like the Cub Scout Goodwill Camporee in Perth, Flamboree, National Exploration Challenge, National Pioneering Competition, Camp Seeonee, Sixer Training Camp, Cameron Highlands Conservation Project, Pulau Ubin Hike and St
My parents and me (left) with GS parent volunteers and fellow scouts at Cameron Highlands
Through scouting activities, I have discovered and developed my leadership skills as well as my confidence. It has helped me to be more courageous (especially now when I am standing right here delivering this speech) and to be brave in all difficulties, to overcome fears or at least manage my fear of heights. I also learned to help the younger, weaker and less fortunate ones. Scouting has indeed made and shaped me to what I am today. I am sure it has likewise shaped you too, my brother cubs.
I hope all the cub scouts who are present here today will continue to join scouts in secondary school and encourage friends to do so. However, if you are unable, remember that “once you are a scout, forever you are a scout”.
I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage the scout leaders, teachers, parent volunteers and parents from all over Singapore to spur young scouts on so that 1 day, they would come up here to receive the Akela award! I am sure my fellow Akela recipients will agree with me that this sense of achievement is so good.
To all Akela award winners, continue to enjoy scouting for life! For it will be one that you will reflect on and remember forever.