Scouting is very fun! Especially when we have interesting events. Like the day when we went for the 10km hike. We learnt how to cooperate and work as a team. The other interesting event is our sixer camp. To become a sixer (leader), we had to go through a sixer training camp!
Other than camps an hikes, we also had an expedition when we went to East Coast Park to cycle and to obtain our cycling proficiency badge. It was quite a difficult challenge as it was my first time riding a two wheel bicycle. But I remembered one of the Scout Law "A scout has courage in all difficulties" and kept on trying until I could ride! Now, when you see me cycle, you may think that I am a "pro" but all it took was to try hard. Everyone has to work hard to achieve their goal. So remember scouts, when you are stuck in a difficult challenge, all you need to do is just remember the scout promise and law.
But the most interesting, challenging and fun activity was the interview for the Akela Award. It was very stressful to remember to smile and relax when I was very anxious, But I faced my fears and tried my best and with all the hard work and dedication, achieved my goal and got the Akela Award!
I will always remember my scout leaders, like Uncle Andrew, Aunty Katherine, Uncle Dicky and Uncle Kenneth as they taught me lots of things that will help me in the future.