Thursday, April 16, 2009

Disney - Pixar's new movie UP

Hi Cubs!

Take a look at the trailer of this new great movie
Click here

Synopsis of Movie
“UP” is a comedic adventure starring a 78-year old retired balloon salesman named Carl Fredricksen, who spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest. He finally does so when he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of
South America.  However, by some twist of fate, he discovers an overly enthusiastic 8-year old "Wilderness Explorer" (Cub Scout) named Russell, who was stuck on his front porch.  Eventually, the pair go on adventures into a lost world through which Carl’s outlook of life was changed.

The movie opens in cinemas on 4 June 2009 and we are privileged that the main character, Russell, is a Cub Scout.  The Singapore Scouts Association has worked very closely with Disney Pixar to craft a 2-week programme which will be conducted over the course of the next few weeks before May, and upon completion of the second week's programme, you may submit entries to HQ in exchange for a limited edition Singapore Scouts - UP Badge.  Each entry submitted by a registered Cub Scout will be eligible for one badge.

This Saturday, please remember to bring your scissors, ruler and pencils. 
We will be making balloon sculptures and some handicrafts , for you to submit for the Singapore Scouts - UP badge.
So do come this Saturday. see You!