Sunday, March 8, 2009

Visit to Central Fire Station

Hi Cubs!
Hope you had enjoyed the visit to the Central Fire Station. The Hill Street Fire Station a.k.a. the Central Fire Station is the oldest existing fire station in Singapore. It is 100 years old.  Bet you  had fun trying out the various fire fighting equipment too. You would have also learnt some information about our fire fighters and fire stations in Singapore and how they help to rescue people from fires.  

Aunty Kat would like to give a prize to the first cub who can answer this question: 
"How fast should a fire engine reach the fire site once they receive a call for help?"
Please give answer in the chat box.

Here are some highlights of the trip:

sitting pretty waiting for the MRT

Going up 5 storeys in a rescue "fire lift". This can go up to 8 to 10 storeys to look for the fire site and rescue people from high rise fires.

trying out the 'shot gun'

Our future lady fire fighter

Hmm, this is what an inside of the ambulance look and feel like

say Cheeze! 

Doing the Hakka Cheer for our hosts

See if you can find yourself in more pictures here