Monday, May 28, 2012

Sixer Training Camp 2012

11 of our cubs had an exhilarating time during their Sixer Training Course at Sarimbun Scout camp, held from 26 to 28 May.  They had the wonderful opportunity to interact with more than 80 cubs from 10 schools belonging to the East Area Scouts.

The course aimed to inculcate values, leadership skills and aspire Cub Scouts to excel in their capacity as Sixers. It is also a pre-requisite for the Akela Award, the highest award for Cub Scout section.
Our 11 cubs with Uncle Chee Siang and Uncle Richard
Top row from left - Eason, Tun Min, Hao Jin, KeQing, Aria, Pierre, Jekyll
Bottom row - Sean, Samuel, ZeRui & Sabrina
Sabrina learning to tie the knot right

Our cubs had much to learn - knots, basic first aid, orienteering, and  building a Basha shelter. 

Cubs eagerly inspecting a shelter built by the Rovers

They also had much fun engaging in various activities with their new found friends.
Tun Min walking gingerly through a landmine
Hao Jin balancing on swinging tyres
What a splashing time we had!

For more wonderful moments at the STC, click here