This year has been an exciting and interesting year of scouting for me. In the beginning of the year, some other girls in Gongshang actually took up the challenge to join scouting. I was so pleased to see more girls in our activities.
I had many chances to bring out the leader in me. For instance, at Camp Seeone 5, my teammates were all new comers and did not have a clue what a camp was like. So I was like their big sister and guided them how to make a tent and enjoy the camp.
Another event that I enjoyed very much was the Cub Scout Challenge. I took part in the Roman cannonball and 3-2-1 Flagpole. We had to race against the clock and we finally attained silver for both events. Overall Gongshang obtained 2nd placing which made Aunty Kat and all the scout leaders very happy. I in particular was relieved as I would be ashamed to meet the adults if we did not achieve 1st to 3rd place. We would be wasting their time and efforts and letting all the cubs down. During the year, I also learnt many skills like map reading, first aid, cooking and knotting.
Now looking back when I first started scouting, I never expected to be what I am today. This year, I have already attained my Akela Award (with Honours) which I could not actually believe. I encourage all pupils to join scouting as you can learn to be more courageous and learn many skills which you don't learn in the classroom. Scouting also teaches you to be thankful for what you have.
And Remember, Once a scout, Always a scout.