Sunday, November 7, 2010

Farewell 2010

Last Saturday, all our cubs were furiously writing away, busy filling up their log books for a year full of exciting activities. Many were proud to receive their proficiency badges and arrow badges, after having completed all the required tasks and activities.

Aunty Kat checking and signing off the log books

Then it was time to celebrate great friendships made and cemented during the year , over deee-licious yummy food .

(Sorry, before the photographer had a chance to grab her camera, all the food was almost gone! )

Good friends
Great pals

Take care and have great fun during your holidays till we see each other again in 2011!

Akela Award Ceremony 2010

On 30th Oct, 9 of our cubs received their Akelas
It was a proud moment for them, as well as for Gongshang Cub Scout Unit.
Out of 119 receipients from all Singapore cubs nation wide, GS Unit had 9 cubs with Akelas.
For the top 20% awarded Honours, we had 4 cubs with Honours.
Gongshang Akelas, we are so proud of you !

photo album link
Video link