Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nimble fingers

It was a wet and rainy morning and hopes of having fun & games in the sun were dashed :(
But "Be Prepared" is our scout motto.
So out came the "magic bag of tricks" and
Viola! look what a good time we still managed to have :)

First we learnt how to fold our own planes
Then we were ready to launch our own private jets ...

Aren't I Cool? I've got my very own supersonic!

And Aunty Chooi Pin and other Aunties taught me how to sew..

and I learnt how to thread a needle
-- it was So very hard!

But it was fun sewing and we made these pretty patchwork designs

and looked at what we made too!

To see more of what we did, click here

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cubs and Ladders

Uncle John and Uncle Richard taught the cubs how to build a ladder today, using the knots they have been taught. And looks like they really had fun climbing it up and you can see for yourself...

Uncle John securing the ladder

My turn! My turn!

View from high up

Say "Ladder"!

to see yourself having fun, click here

camp Seeonee 7 Investiture & Campfire

Hi cubs,
Many thanks to Uncle Chee Siang (ZeYu & Ze Rui's daddy), we have some more wonderful photos of our campfire and investiture.

Here is our Guest of Honor, our VP Mrs Tan lighting up the fire

As is our Camp Seeonee tradition, we have our special guest star Mr Dick Yip entertaining us with his renditions of our favourite campfire oldies.

Our new cubs' investiture by Aunty Kat

Our cubs having great fun with our VP Mrs Tan and our former principal Mrs Daisie Yip (top left)

Campfire Burning.....

To enjoy more photos, click here