Thursday, June 10, 2010

Camp Seeonee 7 Awards

Dear Cubs
Camp Seeonee 7 has certainly been an exciting and fun experience for many cubs. Many of you also did stuff that you never did, eg leaping off the Flying Fox and learning to cycle, and things you probably not do at home, like washing up your own cutlery after a meal ;p
All in all, it was a fantastic camp for campers and helpers. The Senior Scouts and Adult Volunteers observed that many cubs were very well behaved and tried their best in all activities, as in the true spirit of being a scout.
The Parent Volunteers would like to thank all cubs and helpers for their enthusiastic participation and we all eagerly look forward to seeing all again at Camp Seeonee 8 :)

Here are our model campers :

Best Campers - Aloysius and Arissa

Aloysius and Arissa with Aunty Kat

Newcomers Best Effort award goes to :

Sean Leng

Shevaun Teo

Katherine Denedicto

Javen Lai

Most Thoughtful Cub : Charmaine
Most Improved Cub : Bhavesh

Most Cooperative Cubs :
Aria, Shervaun, Sabrina and Kaelyn

Most Helpful Cubs :
Ze Yu, Jake, Huda, Charmaine and Chen Kai

For more award photos, click here Award photos

Monday, June 7, 2010

Camp Seeonee 7 Activities

Hi Cubs
In your opinion , which was the best activity you enjoyed most?
Which activity challenged your sense of balance, your fear of heights, your resolve to do your best no matter what?
Did you learnt a new skill?
Did you realise you could actually ride a bike all this while?
And at the same time, did you have fun?

Take a look and vote:

1. Amazing Race on Wheels
Ipod team figuring out where to cycle to next

2. Amazing Race - Station Challenge
GS Wolf executing the Amazing Race challenge

3. Flying Fox
Weeee! I'm flying !

4. Games - Soccer and Captain's Ball
FIFA World Cup aspirants going for goal!

5. Knots
Learning the ins and outs of knots ,
slowly but surely

6. Campfire
Sing along fun around a blazing fire

Wanna see more fun and excitement we all had ?

May I have some more?

Hi cubs,
Did you share with your parents what you ate during the camp?
Did you tell them which was your favourite meal?

Was it the lovingly BBQ-ed patties,
with the freshly baked buns?
was it the sausages you grilled?
how about the hot chicken wings?
or the Chocolate +Marshmello+ Fruit Fondue ?

Ummm, was it McDonald's nuggets and french fries?
or was it J Co oreo doughnuts?
or was it the simply fragrant chicken rice?

Did you have more than 1 serving? cos many cubs came back asking for more!
"May I have some more later, Mrs Menon?"

Whatever your fave food, Yep! the camp food was Yummy !
Simply deee-licious!

to see what else you ate, click here

Camp Seeonee 7 - Fun with Tents

Hey, who is moving house?
and who built it?
Had sweet dreams in it?
You surely did ! ZZzzzzzzzz

For more pix, see here

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Camp Seeonee Six Packs

Cubs, which team were you in?
and do you remember your team cheer?

The A team
(Samuel is not in picture)
Oh A team
you're so fine, you're so fine
you blow my mind
hey A team ,
hey hey , hey A team ......( times 2 )
Oh............ the A team !

The creative IPod gang

Starstruck cubs aiming for the Stars!
(Sean is not in picture)
one, and two and one two three
Go! Rrrrrrrrrr......(slapping on both thighs at same time)
(shout) STARSTRUCK !!!

Simply Awesome Folks
Awesome is good
Awesome is the best

Loyal GS Wolfz members
North! South! East! West!
GS Wolves, is the BEST !!!

Fire Fox members
(Sabrina not in picture)
United we stand, Divided we fall
but Firefox will never fall!
We have the strength,
We have the might,
All the rest can go fly kite !

more team cheers are pending
for more photos ,click here

Pre Camp Seeonee 7

Hi Cubs
Did you have a wonderful camp?
Did you have fun and excitement?
Did you make new friends and learnt new skills?
Do you want to join Camp Seeonee 8?
We certainly hope your answer is "Yes!" to all.

Well, did you know what went on to ensure that all of you have a fun and enriching experience, but at the same time, your safety is not compromised?
For example, did you know who constructed the flying fox that you leapt off?
Just take a look at the photos below :

Victoria Scouts building the ladder

Uncle Richard and Tun Shien also chiping in to put up the Flying Fox structure
Putting it together

Uncle Edwin checking the structure for safety

Finally, ready for take off !

For more photos, click here

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Camp Seeonee 7

Watch this space... Photos are being organised and will be posted soon...