Dear Cubs
Camp Seeonee 7 has certainly been an exciting and fun experience for many cubs. Many of you also did stuff that you never did, eg leaping off the Flying Fox and learning to cycle, and things you probably not do at home, like washing up your own cutlery after a meal ;p
All in all, it was a fantastic camp for campers and helpers. The Senior Scouts and Adult Volunteers observed that many cubs were very well behaved and tried their best in all activities, as in the true spirit of being a scout.
The Parent Volunteers would like to thank all cubs and helpers for their enthusiastic participation and we all eagerly look forward to seeing all again at Camp Seeonee 8 :)
Here are our model campers :
Best Campers - Aloysius and Arissa
Aloysius and Arissa with Aunty Kat
Newcomers Best Effort award goes to :
Most Cooperative Cubs :
Aria, Shervaun, Sabrina and Kaelyn
Most Helpful Cubs :
Ze Yu, Jake, Huda, Charmaine and Chen Kai
For more award photos, click here Award photos